Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year
If I had to guess how new years would go, I would never have guessed that it would have been anything like this. Not twenty steps out of our front door we found ourselves being overtaken by a funeral procession. Just as Eric was going to be clocked by the corpse we figured out that we were being waved aside, and we stood by and let it pass before moving on to the main square. The center of the city-- the whine of the snake charmers, and the strange hazy dust made the mammoth space seem even larger. There is no simple way to walk the stalls and avoid monkeys on chains and projectile snakes. Oranges are stacked and squeezed; the juice matches the color of the buildings. An old man dressed in white, with a table, and an umbrella has roughly 15 pairs of dentures on one crate, on the other, nearly 500 teeth an inch thick spread out for shoppers to peruse. A tooth shop, I wonder what type of molar I will choose? Do I pick one that already has a flashy filling, or a simple one that may blend into my other assorted dentures? How to choose teeth? I don’t know, maybe I will make my choice tomorrow? Within three hours there we bore wittiness to a fast paced funeral procession, an aggressive snake throw, a tooth vendor, and were nearly crushed by a two horses that stutter stepped into us and pushed us against the wall. The first day of the new year and it is not business as usual.

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